General Information on maastricht housing.

Welcome to Maastricht!

Finding a room or studio in the oldest but very dynamic city of the Netherlands is a fun start of your stay as a resident. We are glad to have a variety of rooms to offer and will assist you in finding the best possible match.

Relocating to a new temporary home will be more successful with the help of our personal and professional guidance.

Once we have found you the perfect new home we draw up the rental contract, hand over the keys and make sure to provide you with a room that has been inspected by us to make sure it is up to our high standards of maintenance. Obviously you can count on our assistance and adequate service after you have moved in should you experience technical problems or complaints concerning the accommodation.

A short video about Maastricht

guidelines - houserules


household waste.

The picture shows the red-white trashbags that you should use in Maastricht in order to be collected by the waste collectors.

Obviously they should not and never be stacked in a hallway or any other general area of the house. Every tenant keeps them in the room or studio untill the night that they can be put outside on the sidewalk, properly strapped closed.

Maastricht has a special system for the sorting and disposal of household waste. Specific red-and-white municipal residual waste bags need to be used for household waste. These bags are obtainable at almost every supermarket. Waste paper and carton board is collected free of charge. You can dispose of plastic, metal cans, glass and drinks cartons – as well as paper – free of charge at the various environmental platforms (milieuperrons) around the city. The waste calendars show the collecting dates in the various districts. You can put the waste bags on your sidewalk from 19.00 hrs onwards the night prior to the collecting day. Putting them there before that hour can cost you a fine!



The landlords usually allow you to sub-rent, for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months, provided that we draw a sub-tenancy contract between you, the sub-tenant and the landlord. As soon as you have found a reliable sub-tenant please contact us with the information.



In all houses a fast and stable internet connection is provided. The system is always managed via a switch that equally divides the bandwith amongst the rooms, usually a fixed minimum of 50 Mbps per room and mostly with a free loan WiFi-router in every room.

In the case that the room is equipped with a Wi-Fi router please make sure to connect the main cable for the signal between the wall socket and the WAN port on the router. In the example below this is the blue port labeled “Internet”. The other ethernet ports can be used for your own devices if not used wireless.


floor care & maintenance.

In most of our rooms we have laminated floors.

Please keep them free from scratches mainly caused by your desk chairs, especially the once with rolling wheels as you will be responsible for that kind of damage.

Also, these floors only need wiping with a damp cloth, do not use lots of water as this may cause damage as well.

At IKEA very practical and inexpensive floor protectors are obtainable, please check the button below for the link.



As you will or have noticed, Maastricht is a city of many bikes! An easy way of transportation for sure. In town there are several bike parking facilities, parking racks etc..

As a precaution for emergency situations it is at all times prohibited to park bikes in the hallways of the houses!



As most student houses are located in residential areas of the city most of your neighbours will be non-students. These residents have different daily routines and lifestyles from yours. Please do respect this and take into consideration that everyone wants to be able to enjoy living in the city, just like you do. Try introducing yourself to your neighbours, this has been proven to be a good way to establish mutual understanding.